Adoption Person’s Need for Information About His Background
“Consists of three short papers presented to a recent conference of adoption workers, the first dealing with interracial adoption and the other two with more general issues. In the search for self-awareness, we are all liable to become preoccupied with our ancestry, and at certain stages, this may assume critical importance. The adopted person is in the unusual position of having to rely on conjecture from hearsay evidence, and although Scottish law confers the right to consult official records from the age of 17, the available information is seldom sufficient to quench adult (let alone adolescent) curiosity.
This is essential reading for those professionally concerned with adoption problems, including child psychiatrists. Psychotherapists versed in the treatment of identity crises will also find their understanding enriched.”
Author: Margaret Edgar, John Triseliotis, and Elina RautenanISBN: 4827
Count: 1