No Matter What: A Reunification Journey

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One of my favorite No Matter What Families videos is “Reunification Journey.” I am not a parent myself but listening to Betsy share about her family and their experience really touches my heart.

Intellectually, we all know that the goal of foster care is to ultimately strengthen and reunify families. Still, one of the things that make fostering so emotionally difficult, is the heartache that so often comes along with caring for and loving a child who is with you for only a little while. I really appreciate the vulnerability that Betsy shows in this video. It’s hard to let go and say goodbye—even when you know that it’s a happy goodbye because a child is returning to their family.

When Betsy’s family had to say goodbye to a child they had been caring for, they decided that they needed a little break before opening their home to a new child. Yet, even in the middle of their sadness, their strength and resilience shone through. I really love when Betsy shares how her children were asking for reassurance that the family would continue to provide foster care.

I heard one time that every time our hearts break, they become a little bit bigger. I like to think that is true. It certainly seems to be true for Betsy and her family.

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