Welcome to our Calendar of Events!

This calendar includes opportunities for learning and connection from the Wisconsin Family Connections Center, the Coalition for Children, Youth & Families, and several other organizations across Wisconsin. (NOTE: Opportunities from the Wisconsin Family Connections Center are noted with a blue ribbon on the calendar below.)

Find training and event flyers here.

For a complete listing of Regional Events and Support Groups, please visit the Wisconsin Family Connections Center Eventbrite Page.

Find support group flyers here.

For information about Recorded Webinars, Upcoming Live Webinars, Courses, and Conferences, please visit the Champion Classrooms.

Events are added as information is made available to us. If you’d like to share an upcoming event with us, please contact us at info@wifamilyconnectionscenter.org.

Making Sense of Your Senses


Did you know there are actually eight senses? Join us to learn a little more about each of these senses. We will discuss what over- and under-stimulation may look like in each area and share ideas for activities that can help regulate the senses and get them back ready to learn. We will also share […]

Post-Secondary Transition and Avoiding the Cliff Edge of No Supports


Join Sam in looking at the transition process for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. While age 21 seems far away, it comes much faster than people anticipate and often leaves families on a cliff edge of no support post-secondary. Learn about barriers and best practices within the transition process and determine ways to cater […]

School Discipline and Students with IEPs


This workshop will explore a comprehensive approach to developing and implementing practical strategies to support student's behavioral needs. The audience will examine effective strategies for engaging families in the planning and decision-making process related to discipline and interventions. PRESENTERS: Timothy D. Peerenboom; Eric M. Kestin; Gloria G. Roschke; Jeremiah Jackson. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.

IEP Resources


For those who want to research beyond the basics of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), many helpful resources are available. This 30-minute module of the IEP Series highlights resources including: Special Education in Plain Language IDEA 2004 WI law and rules WI Department of Public Instruction Resources (Bulletins, Sample Forms, College and Career Ready IEP Process, […]

Student Led IEPs: Helping Students Fly


Many students with disabilities play little to no role in their own Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings and the planning of their services, accommodations, and goals. However, research shows that when students lead their own IEP meetings, they become more engaged in their education, learn important self-advocacy skills, and take greater ownership over their learning. […]

Webinar: Beyond 18 Individualized Programming


Through this webinar, attendees will become familiar with the Transition Programming Beyond Age 18 Guidance, the components and foundation in building meaningful, individualized programming as well as state and federal requirements. The importance of collaboration between schools, outside agencies, and families will be discussed. Attendees will leave with resources to take back to IEP teams […]

Webinar: Graduation Options for Students with IEPs


This presentation will provide an overview of graduation options for students with IEPs in Wisconsin. Participants will gain a better understanding of how students with IEPs exit high school and what graduation options are available. Presenter: Alicia Reinhard is an Education Consultant on the Special Education Team at the WI Department of Public Instruction. Prior […]

Webinar: Top 5 Parental Issues and Concerns – Puberty – Supporting Healthy Sexuality During Pubescence


Families often experience anxiety when their child/tween with intellectual disabilities begins to exhibit changes that occur during puberty. In this workshop, parents will learn about the most frequently identified issues and concerns of parents of tweens with I/DD and practical ways to address them. Visual tools, fun learning activities, and useful resources specifically designed for […]

Webinar: Think Big! Building Meaningful Lives Across the Lifespan


What does a meaningful life look like for an individual with a disability, and what do families and professionals need to know to help support a positive vision for the future? This session will highlight the importance of taking a strengths-based approach to planning for a person's future. Tools and strategies will be shared that […]

A Brief introduction to DIRFloortime


DIRFloortime is both a framework and an intervention that offers us an empowering, respectful, and optimistic lens for supporting development across the lifespan utilizing the power of relationships and playful interactions. It is a model that opens the possibilities for meaningful relationships through its' Developmental, Individual Differences and Relationship based lens. Presenters: Helen Groth is […]