Understanding FASD: Cause, Effects and Interventions


D7067 FASD and Your Child: Cause, Effects and Interventions, produced by The Academic Edge, is designed to help parents learn more about FASD, how it affects their child, and what they can do to maximize their child’s potential. With the approachable feel of “friends talking over coffee,” this DVD demystifies the condition and offers insights on how to deal with daily life impacted by FASD. This DVD comes with a wealth of support tools that can help others understand FASD and your child: A “bonus” presentation chapter to share with others who work with your child—teachers, counselors, even your doctor. A print piece that gives an overview of how a person with FASD thinks and behaves, and offers suggestions for effective interventions. Feel free to copy and distribute this information. This web site supports and expands upon the information in the DVD, with additional resources and tools.

Author: Academic Edge
Additional Author: Bright Tomorrow
ISBN: D7067
Count: 1
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