Making Room in Our Hearts: Keeping Family Ties Through Open Adoption


Open adoption is not a trend—it is the wave of the future. Making Room in Our Hearts helps prepare for that future by providing a child-centered perspective as it puts a human face on open adoption. Adoptive parent and therapist, Micky Duxbury has produced a “must-read” for anyone considering adoption, for those experiencing it, and for the professionals that serve them. Over 150 participants in open adoption including adoptees, birth and adoptive parents offer their personal stories in this readable and well-researched book. You will meet real people revealing, as well as struggling with, the ups and downs of these complex relationships. Making Room in Our Hearts helps the reader more fully understand the benefits and overall process of a child-centered open adoption. Duxbury addresses common fears and concerns, gives attention to siblings and other extended family, looks at openness in the foster adoption system, and discusses opening closed adoptions. Most importantly, she looks at how to help make these relationships work. Both birth and adoptive parents will be inspired and encouraged by reading the testimony of adult adoptees who have been in open adoptions most of their lives. As one young man put it: “I think I would be confused if my birth mother was not in my life! There would be so many unanswered questions. I cannot imagine life without having this connection. My advice to adoptive and birth parents would be to put yourself in our shoes. If it were you, you would probably want to know all of who you are.””

Author: Micky Duxbury
Additional Author: Routledge
Count: 1
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