Guide to Foster Parenting: Everything but the Kids, A


Mary Goodearle and her husband of 37 years, Allen, live in Mena Arkansas on a mini-ranch with their three adopted boys, the youngest of their 9 children. Mary earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from CA State University-Sacramento, and her Master’s degree in Human Services and Public Administration from the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. She is a former child-protection social worker and foster care program coordinator for Outagamie County DHHS in Appleton Wisconsin. She also worked for the State of Wisconsin as an adoption facilitator. Mary and Allen have been foster parents to over 40 children with special needs. “”While most foster parents have altruistic motives in their hearts, they must put survival in the system skills on their foster parenting resumes!”” “”In order for positive changes to take place in the foster parenting environment, the playing field between foster parents and the other treatment team members must be leveled!”” “”Foster parents require much more than good parenting skills to achieve longevity and success in today’s foster care climate!”” March 2006, 196 pages

Author: Mary Goodearle
Additional Author: Trafford
ISBN: F5127
Count: 1
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