FAW: Honoring the Holiday Traditions of Children in Care
Honoring the Holiday Traditions of Children in Care
When you ask people, “What’s the best thing about the holidays?” you’ll probably hear “being with family.” Or a story about their family’s favorite holiday tradition.
For children in out-of-home care, family and familiar traditions may be the two things they’re missing the most. Holidays, for them, can be an emotionally charged experience. Triggers can create conflicted and complicated feelings that may result in a variety of emotional responses. Being prepared for the possibility that such responses may arise can help the holidays flow more smoothly.
Articles include:
- Honoring the Holiday Traditions of Children in Care
- Working with Birth Families for the Holidays
Download: FAW Winter 2013
Author: Coalition for Children, Youth & FamiliesAdditional Author: Foster Care & Adoption Resource Center