Caring for the Hair of Your African American Child
When you are caring for a child transracially, there are many things you may worry about. For many caregivers, thinking about hair care can easily fall to the bottom of the priority list until it becomes clear that new skills are required. Caregivers who may be parenting transracially, specifically those caring for African American children, may not know the steps needed to take appropriate care of hair that is so different from their own.
The Wisconsin Family Connections Center tip sheet provides essential guidance for caregivers of African American children on how to properly care for their hair. It emphasizes the cultural significance of hair in the African American community and offers practical tips to help caregivers build their child’s self-esteem through proper hair care. You’ll learn about
- Importance of Hair Care
- Combing, Washing, Conditioning, and Drying
- Hair Care Products and More!
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Author: Wisconsin Family Connections Center
Additional Author: Coalition for Children, Youth & Families