Webinar–Relative Caregivers: Navigating the Change in Roles

Raising children can be difficult, especially with additional challenges present for children who have experienced trauma. Parenting can become more overwhelming for relative caregivers who have changed roles. This shifts a grandparent, aunt, or even a sibling to suddenly becoming a primary caregiver. Finding support and making adjustments while experiencing conflicting emotions of love and resentment are necessary for helping caregivers succeed.

This webinar examines the necessary support needed for relative caregivers who embrace the new role of primary caregiver. We will focus on answering the challenging questions faced by relative caregivers and what can be done to make adjustments easier for everyone involved. Additional topics include how relatives can handle the changing relationships with family members, strategies for dealing with their grief and anger, and how to support a child struggling with the changes.

About the Trainer: Ericka Copeland-Malone joined the Milwaukee Child Welfare Partnership team in 2015 as a Communication and Instruction Specialist. She is a mother of three children, including two children adopted from care. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Education from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and a Master of Education from the University of Phoenix. She is a certified teacher for grades 1-8 through the Department of Public Instruction in Wisconsin. She is responsible for working to bring in new implementations for foster parent curriculum and training in Milwaukee.

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