The Hopeful Mom’s Guide to Adoption: The Wit and Wisdom You Need for the Journey


Choosing to adopt can be overwhelming, rendering you anxious, hopeful, and confused. This no-holds-barred guide gives you the authentic offerings of Rachel Garlinghouse’s ten-year (and counting) commitment to encouragement, education, ethics, and empathy. From the day  you first consider adoption, through the homestudy process, the waiting, placement, and finalization, Rachel offers both practical and heartfelt guidance, as well as self-reflective laugh-out-loud moments.

You’ll learn a lot including:

  • if you’re ready to adopt
  • Sandra Bullock and Angelina Jolie aren’t your BFFs
  • the important questions to ask before choosing an adoption professional
  • contemporary adoption language (and why it matters)
  • why carb-loading is a healthy coping mechanism (and Hallmark movie viewing is not)
  • how to create a sincere adoption profile
  • the five magic words to shut down nosy people
  • what’s most important in any adoption journey


Author: Rachel Garlinghouse
ISBN: 9781546929918
Count: 1
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