Comfort Calls: Building Connections and Easing Transitions for Children and Families


Imagine a nervous child stepping into a new home, unsure of what to expect. The caregiver knows how important these first hours are. After helping the child get comfortable in the new home, the caregiver picks up the phone to call the child’s parent; the caregiver is not just reaching out for information—but is also extending compassion to a broken-hearted parent who is experiencing the profound trauma and loss of family separation. With empathy, the caregiver reassures the parent that their child is safe and acknowledges that no one knows this child better than the parent.

This call, a simple but powerful gesture, helps ease the transition and begins the journey toward healing. Together, they are taking the first steps toward a strong co-parenting relationship that will help ease the trauma of family separation and increase the likelihood of reunification.

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Author: Wisconsin Family Connections Center
Additional Author: Coalition for Children, Youth & Families
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